Thursday, August 6, 2009

Walking and Writing

I sometimes feel that I do my best writing while walking. Thoughts come into my head and ideas flow freely in a progression - like poetry. If only I could get them down on paper. By the time I return home, alot of it has been lost and will never be heard again.

The other day I was walking and composing a poem in my head, and a little boy I passed by started reciting it. Telepathy still exists. It is considered a primitive form of communication. It was how people communicated prior to voice and the skill is still prevalent in some humans. Why some can read my mind and others can't, I can't say. And why a stranger with whom I have no connection could sense what I was thinking is a mystery, especially when those I am close to claim they can't. People often expect others to know what they are thinking without being told. In arguments, people often exclaim, "Do you expect me to be a mindreader, tell me what you want!" Yet, some people can read minds and others can't - they aren't sensitive to the unspoken messages in the world around them. Others are too sensitive and take offense at messages that they perceive and may not have been intended. Some people can communicate with a glance or gesture and say more than others who speak for an hour. The ability to communicate without speech is the foundation of all good acting. Before we had "Talkies" we had "Silent Film" and they were very effective. Then we have also had films where the actors thoughts are expressed either by a narrator or voice over, giving us an insight into the strange things people are thinking or fantacising while they are saying something else.

Nowadays, people can be trained in the techniques of effective communication. It's all about presentation, appearance, choice of words and also gestures. How you move, how you look at the audience, whether you nod or blink, pace or stand still. All these qualities add to the message, and the cues are different for different cultures. Communication is an art and a science. One can learn to appear credible, honest, trustworthy, etc.

In the world of telepathy, you are what you think, not just what you say. Somewhere in your memory, every thought you have ever had - even a passing thought or speculation which may not be a fact or have any grounding in reality, still resides and can be read by another and thought to be true. When other people verbalize your thoughts, it makes them seem real, when in fact they are just reciting a thought they have picked up on from some area of your brain which may be just a fantasy.

1 comment:

  1. Cindy -- What interesting insights. The reference to the "Silents" is intriguing. As you are aware, silent films conveyed "dialog" and emotions through physical and facial actions (with an occasional verbal screen to advance the plot). I'm teaching a course on film comedies, and found your reference spot-on. Even after talkies, good actors and good films do more than recite lines -- there is a kind of telepathy transmitted.
